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The test can be administered in two ways:
From school (face-to-face).
From home (remote).
In both cases, it is suggested to consult the corresponding application manuals to optimise the task.
If you are taking the test for the first time, please read the following instructions carefully.
Below are the configuration options offered by the test. In this case, you can choose whether you want families to be able to see the report automatically once they have completed the questionnaire. Also, if it is an adult (e.g. a teacher) who is self-administering the test, we must tick YES in this parameter. These options can be found in the toolbar on the left hand side, once you have logged into the test.
Objective: To prevent and detect the appearance of emotional problems that may be affecting the well-being of students.
To raise awareness of the importance of caring for emotional well-being from an early age in both the family and school environments.
To know the current emotional state of children and teenagers and how this affects their behaviour.
To prevent emotional and behavioural alterations.
To promote an integral and balanced development of the students.
To implement strategies to re-establish or maintain emotional balance based on knowledge of the group.
Aimed at students from children (Pre-school/Kindergarten, 3 years old) to adults.
Levels: The levels of the test allow us to adapt the wording of the items according to the age and, therefore, the evolutionary stage of the child/teenager. There are four levels in this test:
LEVEL 1: From 3 to 6 years old. Answered by the parents.
LEVEL 2: From 6 to 8 years old. Answered by parents.
LEVEL 3: From 8 to 12 years old. Answered by the students.
LEVEL 4: From 12 to 18 years old. Answered by the students.
Time: 10-15 minutes.
Application: Collective and individual.
It is carried out in a single session.
There is no time limit for completion.
From 4th grade onwards, the students themselves will answer the questionnaire and indicate their date of birth and gender in order to complete the corresponding questionnaire.
Once these data have been recorded, they should be given the following explanation before completing the questionnaire:
You are going to answer a questionnaire that will help you to find out how you currently feel.
There are no right or wrong answers. It should be answered based on how you see yourself or how you feel. The more honest you are, the better the results will reflect you and the more useful they will be for you.
The questions you answer are personal and private. Likewise, we will treat the results confidentially. It is important to show respect for others and not to comment on the answers out loud or look at your partner's screen.
It is very important to maintain an environment of respect and concentration. To this end, it is essential to be quiet in the classroom and to raise your hand if you have any questions or doubts.
When you finish, you must remain silent until the rest of your classmates have finished, so as not to interrupt their concentration.
In order for the students to know how to navigate within the test, the functionality of the platform can be introduced by the demo user a.k.a. "Pepe Pruebas" with the following instructions:
There is no time limit for the completion of the questionnaire.
The arrows "previous" and "next" are used to "navigate" between the questions.
The number of items/questions in the questionnaire is shown at the top of the screen.
When you have solved all the questions, the "Tests completed" screen will appear and you have finished the test.
Next, the test will start individually after confirming the data and clicking on "start".
It is necessary to supervise the students in order to ensure silence and provide support if needed.
The facilitator/teacher should expect that, although there is an average duration, as there is no time limit, some students will finish faster than others. Anticipate what they should do after they have finished the questionnaire to avoid noise causing interruptions or difficulty in concentration for those students who have not finished.
When finished, the following message appears:
Clicking on "close and return" will automatically log you out of the session. You may be asked to leave or stay in the classroom until the other participants have finished.
The results will be processed immediately and will be ready for review. Users with the following assigned profiles within the platform will be able to log in to consult them: school principal, counsellor and teacher.
From Pre-school/Kindergarten to 3rd grade of Elementary School, parents will answer the questionnaire by responding to observable behaviours in their children (). When accessing the questionnaire, families should be instructed to note the date of birth and sex of the child about whom they are answering the questionnaire.