TP: Why is this test important?
Personal Tendencies
The implementation of Personal Tendencies has multiple benefits for the different profiles in the educational world. The following explains how it contributes to each profile in their work with the assessed population through this valuable tool.
For teachers
The results obtained immediately after the application are a great advance for teachers as they allow them to:
To know the students quickly and objectively.
Understand how personal tendencies affect the way they behave in class and with their classmates.
Adjust their teaching activity to better reach the students.
Reduce the level of disruptiveness in the classroom.
Increase the level of motivation and attention of the students.
Make grouping more effective.
Reduce teacher burnout.
For parents
Families value very positively the school's interest in getting involved in their children's education from an integrated perspective, taking into account not only the academic area but also personal and social development.
In addition, families can receive a report of results that helps them to know and understand their children better.
For the management team
The principal has complete information about the personal development and evolution of his students. The dashboards for analysing results are very useful for:
Making decisions about the most appropriate actions for the students.
Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the students.
Favouring the integral development of the students.
For guidance counsellors and psychologists
The school counsellor has the possibility of quickly assessing all the students and obtaining reports with information processed automatically and immediately in order to know the most personal aspects that are influencing the students both at an individual and group level. This information will allow him/her to:
Support the Tutorial Action Plan (T.A.P.) with objective information.
Facilitate strategies to the teaching staff on the most effective strategies for group management according to the characteristics of the different groups.
Quickly obtain information that completes the psycho-pedagogical evaluation of the student, thus being able to know all the spheres of the student's life.
To know the personal characteristics of the students in order to put into practice the most appropriate coexistence measures.
To have a complete evaluation tool to facilitate the preparation of the Guidance Council.
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