SBE: Description of the test
This test is part of the applied research project developed by Habilmind called This project aims to help schools in the process of re-entry of students to the classroom after the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the intervention prior to the return. The test called "Screening of Emotional Well-being" aims to assess the emotional impact of confinement on children and adolescents. This document describes the characteristics of the test and the indicators analysed.
Why use this test?
A violent interruption to the routines of life disrupts the equilibrium of people, especially children and teenagers, who lack the personal resources to organise appropriate responses to an unprecedented experience.
This period of isolation that humanity has lived through has all the elements of crisis and uncertainty, intense and prolonged, which has provoked diverse emotional reactions in the adult, child and youth population. The combination of crisis and uncertainty obliges the school and the family to respond, not only to this event. The gift of this crisis is the awareness of an area of formation that touches the educational essence: we need to build in our children and teenagers a strong character in the face of difficulties (crisis), to grow inner courage as an area of influence so that events do not become the decisive force in the destiny of our children and teenagers.
Education during the first post-crisis stage should pay attention to the emotional aspects in all the agents of the educational process prior to any attempt to return to normality in education. In order for the students to be able to learn the curricular contents, to attend and relate to each other in an adequate way, it is necessary to know how they are emotionally and to address as a priority any difficulties that are detected.
Objectives of the assessment
The Screening of Emotional Well-being aims to assess the emotional state of children and teenagers after the long confinement caused by the pandemic.
The aim is to detect possible emotional and behavioural alterations and to intervene to improve them.
Structure of the test
This screening has been designed with the aim of collecting in a quick, simple and efficient way information about the key and fundamental aspects to know the emotional well-being of the child and the teenager.
The structure of the test is presented below: indicators and sub-indicators.
Indicators analysed in the screening classified by typology
Causal emotions
Fear, Rage, Anxiety, Sadness
Emotional protection
Optimism - Pessimism, High self-esteem - Low self-esteem, Emotional expressiveness - Emotional blocking, Motivation - Demotivation
Behavioural manifestations
Sleep disturbances, Alteration in eating behaviour, Screen-time overuse, Disruptiveness - Aggressiveness, Social isolation
Description of factors and indicators
❣️Causal emotions
Levels of fear, sadness, anxiety and rage as negative reactions to emotional and social balance in children and teenagers. These responses to life-threatening stimuli generate an emotional "civil war" in the mind and lead to emotional, social and behavioural maladjustments. The prolonged duration of these experiences can have health-threatening somatic consequences.
🛡️ Emotional protection
The components of the assessed emotional protectors are presented in dichotomies, used as gradients of response to critical or uncertain situations. These factors mark the predominant and most impactful reactions to productive behaviours and the overall well-being of each child or teenager; they are indicators of the main pillars of sustainable personal development.
👁️ Behavioural manifestations
The behavioural manifestations of an emotional reaction to crisis and uncertainty represent the outcome of the painful or resilient emotional cycle. At the negative pole, the behaviours may be warning signs, indicating that the reaction is intense or has settled in with its aftermath of problems. They are the visible indicators of an emotional and social deterioration that cries out for attention.
Application of the Screening
Some aspects to bear in mind about this test are the following:
It is aimed at students in Pre-school, Elementary School, Middle School and High School.
The questionnaires from Pre-school to 3rd grade are answered by the parents.
The questionnaires from the 4th grade onwards are answered by the students themselves.
The questionnaires have a total of 65 questions with 9 alternative answers (Likert scale).
The application of the test is online, allowing remote application.
The correction of the test is automatic, once the students take the test, the counsellor and the teacher (when permissions are activated) can see and analyse the results at individual and group level.
The school automatically obtains personalised reports, with recommendations, individual reports addressed specifically as well as differentiated to families and teachers; and group reports for teachers.
Gemma Filella, University of Lleida
Rafael Bisquerra, University of Barcelona.
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