➡️24. What do we need to consider before sharing reports with families?

Habilmind considers families as a fundamental part of the learning process of students. That is why, after the completion of the tests that the school has selected, it is recommended to deliver the corresponding reports to the families. In this way, parents can find out the results of their child's assessment and support them with the necessary actions to improve the factors measured in each test, by means of practical recommendations that are included in the reports. In this way, the student will receive stimulation from school and at home, working continuously on the development of the necessary aspects. On the other hand, involving parents helps to build and maintain the link between the school and the families in pursuit of the common goal, which is the improvement of student learning.

The delivery of results should be accompanied by a pre-test explanation, including an explanation of the purpose of the test, the areas assessed, the presentation of the results and recommendations for improvement. The steps to be taken by the school and the options they offer are set out below. The school can choose what suits them best according to their logistics and timing.

Step 1. Define the format of the meeting:

a) face-to-face at the school (a projector should be available)

b) virtual via a platform such as Meet, Zoom, Teams (screen sharing).

Step 2. Summoning parents:

a) group meeting: all parents in the school or by stages (primary, secondary, etc.)

b) individual sessions with each family

Step 3. Present and explain the following information:

  1. Use the Habilmind website (www.habilmind.com) as a reference.

  2. Show a report of results as an example. This can be done by using a demo user "a.k.a. Pepe pruebas" report.

  3. Stop in the block of recommendations that are extended in the report according to the results.

Step 4. Sharing reports:

OPTION 1: Through direct access to the platform using a personalised user and password for parents (parent password).

This option consists of sending parents, by e-mail or other means, a personalised user name and password so that they can access the platform and view the reports. To obtain users and passwords, they must be requested from the Habilmind advisor or the Santillana coach.

In the following link we show you step by step how to give families access to the platform to access their children's reports:

Manual sharing reports to families from the Habilmind platform

OPTION 2: By sending the results by e-mail or delivering the printed report.

The school must first download the reports of each student. For this purpose, the platform offers the possibility of mass downloading the reports of all students at once. After downloading, the reports can be printed for delivery in person or sent to the families through the communication channel that the school considers best.

Please consult the corresponding manual to download reports in bulk:

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