CSM (Extensive Information Follow-up)
CRM is the understanding of semantic relationships or relationship between words and known ideas (CUM). With the use of vocabulary, learners can be more effective in handling CRM and CSM. Couple these skills with NTS for speed of word recognition and you have a set of tools that are necessary for full reading comprehension. These are the skills that most teachers refer to when they talk about reading comprehension.
Both vocabulary (CUM) and basic comprehensive reading (CRM) are good indicators of the actual level of reading comprehension that students have.
CSM has another implication: it is the comprehension of a total system of words; it is the ability students should have when their teachers speak in long sentences without intervals, or when adults give them several commands or instructions at the same time. If a teacher finds that a student is deficient in CSM, he/she has to look carefully at learning skills and techniques, because he/she cannot expect many results by providing many commands at the same time.
For a student with a low level of CSM the teacher should:
Portion commands and instructions in short sentences.
Repeat a short sentence twice, using different words, but meaning the same thing.
Ask the student for feedback or repetition to make sure that the learner has understood the instructions.
Ask the student to make an application of the instruction to check practical understanding of the instruction.
Many students may be able to understand the instructions but not apply them. To facilitate the assimilation of the message, teachers should group students with low levels of CSM to follow a common and similar strategy. Teaching CSM requires patience, especially when the MSS (auditory and visual) sequence is low. Often people with low CSM are self-injurious and therefore block the input of information. It is very important to protect the self-esteem of such people so that a vicious circle does not develop.
Such suggestions will help you to understand the predominant learning styles of students: if you combine a low CSM level with low NUF and low NTS, you can identify a student who works very slowly and methodically, who needs much more time for his or her school work. Analytical students (with high NIS skills) generally have poor results in such areas. This type of student needs to be treated differently. They require more time for performance; they need fewer instructions: only one at a time and brief, with the possibility of immediate feedback to explain what they heard or saw. Check the Capture graph to see where their ability is highest, or if they have a lot of ups and downs, or if all C skills are lower than the expected levels on the graph. For students with low C performance, teach them to work faster.
For Classification training, use an alphabetical file for vocabulary. Keep the CUM cards in the file; show them for a very short time to practise them and store them in memory. To teach Relationships (CRM), pair or group them together, and finally, sort them to teach CSM. This will develop syntax and structuring of complete sentences. Select students according to their CSM before placing them in advanced language study or high school social studies classes.
Students who score high on Captioning (cognitive style) work quickly and may interrupt instructions before you are finished.
Students with low Captioning scores need a lot of repetition and more explanation.
Strategies for teaching retention: Always give brief instructions. Repeat messages in different words. You need to be patient to teach uptake. If you have any doubts about your students' understanding, have them repeat instructions and/or materials back to you. Promote an atmosphere of emotional security and optimism.
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