20. SE: Types of reports
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Locate the Socioemotiogram box and click on "access".
In the left sidebar you can see the different types of reports for this test:
The Socioemotiogram test has a number of automatic report formats:
Individual reports
These are particularly aimed at families, developed with the aim of helping parents to get to know their children better in the area of socio-emotional competences and to provide them with tools for their adequate stimulation. In the following link we offer a model report obtained from a demo school.
Group reports
These are aimed at the tutors of each group and teachers. This information will be useful for them to work on tutoring sessions according to the needs detected, to assess the classroom climate and to work on aspects related to coexistence and social skills, as well as to form groups in formal and informal contexts.
Sociogram: Presentation of results using a pie chart.
Sociogram: Presentation of results using a node graph.
Sociogram: Presentation of results in a double-entry table.