➡️16. EDINT: Why is this test important?

The implementation of EDINT brings multiple benefits to different profiles in the educational world. Here is an explanation of how it contributes to each profile. In order to improve their work with the evaluated population through this valuable tool.

For teachers

EDINT is a test of interest for teachers, as it provides information on cognitive aspects useful to:

  • Know the strengths and weaknesses of their students.

  • Have objective information that allows them to adjust their teaching to the characteristics of their students, thus favoring the teaching-learning process.

  • Anticipate possible learning difficulties that students may encounter.

  • Achieve educational excellence and inclusion.

For parents

EDINT test provides information that is highly valued by families as it allows them to:

  • Know the strengths and weaknesses of their children through the results report.

  • Obtain objective information that helps them to understand the academic performance of their children and anticipate their success.

For the school administration team

EDINT is a test of great interest for school principals, as it allows them to know how their students are developing their cognitive skills; those that will allow them to achieve current learning and continue with future learning successfully.

The platform offers filtered information that allows the school administration team to compare groups, courses and grades in order to:

  • Keep track and monitor students.

  • Obtain an overview with strategic information that facilitates the decision-making process at the pedagogical level.

  • Make visible to the families the efforts and the concern to attend the diversity.

For counselors and psychologists

EDINT test, due to its clinical and pedagogical value, becomes a very valuable tool for the school counselor or psychologist. Since it allows him/her to obtain objective information about the cognitive profiles of his/her students in a simple and automatic way, with the objective to:

  • Efficiently detect, in time and resources, those students who require a more specific intervention.

  • Identify the most capable students to avoid the loss of talent in the school and respond to their training needs, avoiding undesirable situations such as school failure.

  • Minimize evaluation time to increase intervention time for students, families and teachers.

  • Attend diversity in a real and individualized way.

  • Promote educational excellence and inclusion.

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