
🔵CUM (Vocabulary)🔵CRM (Basic Comprehensive Reading)🔵CSM (Extensive Information Follow-up)🔵CSS (Cognition of numerical events)🔵ESS (Mathematical Critical Judgment)🔵NSS (Solution of Mathematical Challenges)🔵EUF (Visual discrimination)🔵NTS (Speed in word recognition)🔵CUF (Visual capture of information)🔵Manual for the use of temporary password🔵Video How to use the demo user🔵Manual for home application with parent credentials🔵Video Habilmind in 1 minute🔵Updating student lists on the platform🔵EDINT: Application manual🔵EDINT: Why is this test important?🔵HF3: Application Handbook ( from 4th grade onwards)🔵HF2: Application Handbook (1st grade to 3rd grade)🔵General Handbook for the application of tests in the school🔵SE: Types of reports🔵SE: Why is this test important?🔵SE: Assessment indicators🔵SE:Application manual🔵What do we need to consider before sharing reports with families?🔵Sharing of reports to teachers🔵TP: Types of reports🔵TP: Why is this test important?🔵Habilclinic: EDINT Application Handbook🔵Habilclinic: Everything you need to know to apply the tests🔵Habilclinic: Learning Styles Application Handbook🔵Habilclinic: Fundamental Skills 3 Application Handbook🔵Habilclinic: Personal Tendencies Application Handbook🔵Habilcilinic: EDINT reports🔵Habilclinic: Personal Tendencies Reports🔵Habilclinic: Fundamental Skills 3 Reports🔵Habilclinic: Learning Styles Reports🔵Infographic: Business Intelligence

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