🔵Updating student lists on the platform

This is the procedure for updating student lists on the platform (update lists, lists, student lists, update, census, students, platform database).

One to two weeks prior to any assessment, the first thing to do is to review the lists that appear on the Habilmind platform. This review should be carried out by the school by grade and group, bearing in mind that each list should only show the students who are currently in each classroom.

It is important to take into account that students should not be assessed if the lists are not yet up to date; above all, this could affect the application of the Socio-emiogram and compromise the group results.

The steps to be taken by the school to review and update the checklists prior to any assessment are described below.

Step 1: Review the lists of your students in the Habilmind platform, for each grade and group:

  • Enter the school's personalised URL and click on the SCHOOL tab, where all the grades that are registered on the platform will be displayed.

  • Click on the button to display each of the grades and groups.

  • Carefully check the names and surnames of the students who are registered in each group.

Step 2: Fill in the spreadsheet online (previously sent by the advisor) with the changes you wish to appear on your platform:

A link to the file containing 5 tabs where specific information must be entered will be sent to the school's email address.

To use the online spreadsheet, the school must have a gmail account. Otherwise, the file must be downloaded for local work from any spreadsheet programme (e.g. excel) and sent back to the advisor.

The tabs contained in the file are:

  • Tab 1: learners who need to unsubscribe from the platform. This refers to students who are still on the platform, but who are no longer at the school. For this reason, they must be removed from the platform.

  • Tab 2: students who must register on the platform. This refers to students who do not yet appear in the lists, but who are enrolled at the school and should therefore be registered.

  • Tab 3: students with group/grade changes. This refers to students who are placed in the wrong group or grade on the platform, so they must be placed in their real group.

  • Tab 4: duplicated students. This refers to students who appear twice on the platform, so it is necessary to delete one of them.

  • Tab 5: students with an incorrect first or last name. This refers to students whose name and/or surname is incorrectly spelt in the platform list, so it must be corrected.

When the school has finished entering all the data in the file, it should proceed to step 3.

Step 3: Make the changes registered in the file, in the e-Stela platform:

If the school has an e-Stela platform, it must proceed to make the changes previously registered in the file sent in the e-Stela platform. The school's e-Stela administrator user has the power to carry out these procedures in order to support them.

When the school completes this process, it must immediately notify its advisor so that he/she can proceed to synchronise the data. Once the synchronisation is done, the changes entered in e-stela by the school will be reflected in the Habilmind platform within 24 to 48 working hours. The advisor will contact the school to notify them that the lists are already updated on the platform and the school must proceed to provide the confirmation.

Changes made on the e-stela platform will never be automatically reflected on the Habilmind platform. For this reason, we emphasise the importance of notifying the advisor at the end of this process in order to proceed with the appropriate synchronisation.

In the event that the school does not have an e-stela platform, they should only fill in the file with the changes to be made, and they should notify the advisor as soon as this process has been completed. The advisor will proceed to manage the changes with the support of Santillana, and as soon as they are ready the advisor will contact the school to request the confirmation.

Step 4: Start assessing your students:

Only when the lists on the platform are 100% correct and there are no errors, the school can proceed to assess your students.

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